Rules & Reminders

(Once broken, there will be punishments)
1) Do not consume any food or drinks during CCA time
2) Do not cut other CCAs (especially UGs)
3) No contact/communication with people from other CCA
4) Obey the lightning risk signal unless otherwise stated
5) Always be respectful to seniors and teachers
6) Stand at attention (sedia position) to greet Sir/Mdm(s)
7) Stand at attention (sedia position) when lowering or raising Scout/Girl Guides/ National/School flag
8) Do not drop the Scout flag or leave it on ground (including grandstand)
9) Do not drop the National flag or leave it on ground (including grandstand)
10) Do not drop the patrol flag, leave it on ground (including grandstand) or let the pole of flag to touch the ground
11) Wear the Scout collar pin on your school uniform on all school days unless you are wearing your PE attire. For Year 4 Scouts, please wear the pin on the left collar above the RV badge as it bears the Singapore flag.

·        EVERYONE must volunteer within time limit given. If not, they will have to maintain push-up position until half of troop volunteers
·        All messages should be replied within time limit of 2 hours
·        Do not abuse the chat box on the blog
·        Always have a sense of urgency during all CCA activities
·        Untie all knots after using the ropes
·        Throw away scrap pieces of ropes
·        Colour coded side of spars to be facing out when keeping
·        Spars should be pushed into shed so that they do not protrude out and exceed the concrete slab
·        Pick up spars that fall off the rack and place them back again
·        SAFETY FIRST, always beware of the surroundings
·        Lost items found will be kept behind grandstand for 1 month without any announcement and will be thrown after that if no one claims the items
·        Ask for permission/time extension if required

·        When in full Scout uniform, put beret on right hand and tuck scarf into Scout shirt during punishment

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