Thursday, 11 February 2016

12 February 2016 SJI RVHS Collaboartion


Dear scouts,
  Report to CCA and fall-in at 3.15pm tomorrow at grandstand as usual. We will be having our 2 day collaboration with St. Joseph Institution scouts, so do enjoy your day tomorrow! They will be arriving at arriving at our school approximately 3.30pm, so receive them with a warm welcome! The ICs from our side for tomorrow's event are: Charmaine, Clarissa, Gregg, Shen Yang and Zong Hao; do look for them or me if you have any major queries about tomorrow.

Best regards,
Maw Htun

Joke of the day:
Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A: A gummy bear! (Ba dum tss)

Monday, 1 February 2016

2 February Scouts Plan

Dear Scouts,
  Hello year 2s and year3s, please report to CCA tomorrow at 3.15pm, to grandstand, in your PT kit. The year 4s won't be joining in for fall-in at 3.15pm, so Isaac and Jane will take the troop first. The year4s are required to report to CCA at 3.40pm. Please ignore the ICs for the footdrill session. For those who needs to stay back tomorrow, please stay back (Founder's Day). This is the schedule for tomorrow:

Best regards,
Maw Htun

Joke of the day:
My consistency in blog posting...