Thursday, 26 February 2015

27th Feb CCA Schedule & Founder's Day

Hi Scouts,

Tomorrow will be our Founder's Day parade. All Year 2 to 4s are required to fall-in in your full scout uniform by 6.45am at the grandstand. For those who will be late due to transport issues, please inform your PLs/APLs by tonight. If there are any unforeseen situations tomorrow morning, please immediately text your PLs/APLs so that they will know. For the whole of tomorrow, you are to wear your full scout uniform, with beret in your pocket, unless you have any PE/lab/FNC/art lessons that requires you to be in your PE/half u. Even if you have these lessons, please change back into your full scout uniform during the next break that you have. Only wear black shoes when in full or half uniform. Change out to school shoes when in PE/PT kit.

Rest well and have breakfast before coming. Jiayou Scouts!

As for CCA tomorrow, please fall-in as per usual at 3.15pm in your PT kit with school shoes (for Year 1s, PE attire will do). The CCA schedule below is subjected to changes.

Thank you.

(Edited by Xin Ning in italics)

Monday, 23 February 2015

24th Feb CCA Schedule

Hi Scouts, 
This is tomorrow's schedule. For those who have not recieved your frank cooper sands badge, please inform your PL before fall in tomorrow. Those who have lost any badges given (especially your patrol badge), please buy them at the scout shop and sew them on your uniform before friday, 27th Feb 2015. 
Y1s: please study for the tests that you will be taking tomorrow. the test scope is what you have learnt from the first TTP lesson (on uniform) onwards.

Monday, 16 February 2015

17th Feb CCA Schedule

Hi Scouts,

As tomorrow will be a full dress rehearsal for Founder's Day with the Girl Guides, please fall in in your full scout uniform at 3.25pm.

Reminders regarding the uniform:
1) Sew all badges in the right positions and no loose threads should be seen.
2) All the girls will have to tie their hair neatly into a bun and ensure that the hair does not cover the Singapore crest on the scout scarf.
*For those who have ordered the bun net from the PLs, it will be passed to you tomorrow as well so please bring $0.80 to pay your PLs. 
3) You are not allowed to leave the toilet without your full scout uniform (including scarf, woggle, belt, socks and shoes) or there will be punishments.
4) You are not allowed to change into any part of your full scout uniform before the lessons end (e.g. during lunch).
5) Season your berets.

The other standards for uniform can be found under pages, so do refer to it because expectations not met will result in punishment.

Thank you.


Sunday, 15 February 2015

Founder's Day Procedures (Updated)

Hi Scouts,

Here are the updated procedures for Founder's Day:

Parade Commander:
1)    Baris sedia (timing: check)
2)    Ke dalam lurus (timing: up check)
3)    Pandang kehadapan, pan-dang
4)    Sparok ke kanan dan ke kiri pusing
5)    Hormat kehadapan, hormat (for KAHs only) (timing: check up)
-national anthem-
6)    Baris sedia (for KAHs only) (timing: check cut)
7)    Akan beri Ta’At sedia (timing: one check one)
8)    Baris sedia (cut down from pledge taking position) (timing: one check one)
9)    Baris senang diri (stand at ease) (timing: check)
-normal morning assembly routine-

-Guides’ speech (…. I will now lead the Guides in reciting the Guides’ promise)-
Contingent Commander (from Guides)
1)    Guides sedia (timing: check)
2)    Akan beri Ta’At sedia (timing: one check one)
3)    Guides sedia (cut down from promise taking position) (timing: one check one)
4)    Guides senang diri (stand at ease) (timing: check)

-Scouts’ speech (…. I will now lead the Scouts in saying the Scouts’ promise)-
Contingent Commander (from Scouts)
1)    Troop sedia (timing: check)
2)    Ta’At sedia sedia (timing: check up)
3)    Troop sedia (cut down from promise taking position) (timing: check down)
4)    Troop senang diri (stand at ease) (timing: check)

-End of announcements/prize presentations-
Parade Commander:
1)    Baris sedia (timing: check)
2)    Keluar baris (All involved in the parade are not allowed to move off)

Please take note that on 27th February 2015 when the parade is held, you have to wear your full uniform (with your beret in your pocket) for the whole day. You have to change out to PE attire if you have PE, or TGIF if you have lab practicals, FNC/home econs and/or art lessons. You are to change during your nearest breaks. Eg. You have an art lesson between morning assembly and recess, change to TGIF before your first lesson starts and change back to full Scout uniform during recess.

-Xin Ning

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Uniform Badge Placement

Hi Scouts,
Please refer to the pictures below on how to sew your badges for uniform check on tuesday. Please make sure you sew them on fully and refrain from ironing it down as you may need to remove them once you got your next standard. Thank you.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Announcements for Year 1s

Hi Year 1s,

As some of you should know, there will be an upcoming March camp from 18 to 19 March. It is a 2 day 1 night camp and we will be going to Pulau Ubin for the camp. As of now, if you do not have any planned activities during those two days, please inform your PLs/APLs that you are able to make it. Even if you are unable to make it for whatever reason, please also inform your PLs/APLs and give them reason.

In addition, due to some illegible handwriting that we are unable to decipher, we will also need you to cooperate and type in your particulars in the form below:

Thank you.


13th Feb CCA Schedule

Hi Scouts,

The following is the plan for tomorrow's CCA session. As there will be a recap on first aid tomorrow, Year 2, 3 and 4s, please be reminded to bring your scout scarf. Please also note that your scout scarf is not to be in contact with the ground which includes the grandstand. As for the Year 1s, please bring your three items including your water bottle tomorrow since there will be lessons for you all.

Thank you.


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Founder's Day Procedures

Hi Scouts,

This is the Founder's Day procedures (done up by guides). Please familiarise yourselves with it. We are going to have combined rehearsals with guides on 13th and 24th Feb 2015, so please be prepared.

Parade Commander:
1)    Baris sedia (timing: check)
2)    Ke dalam lurus (timing: up check)
3)    Pandang kehadapan, pan-dang
4)    Sparok ke kanan dan ke kiri pusing
5)    Hormat kehadapan, hormat (for KAHs only) (timing: check up)
-national anthem-
6)    Baris sedia (for KAHs only) (timing: check cut)
7)    Akan beri Ta’At sedia (timing: one check one)
8)    Baris sedia (cut down from pledge taking position) (timing: one check one)
9)    Baris senang diri (stand at ease) (timing: check)
-normal morning assembly routine-

-Guides’ speech (…. I will now lead the Guides in reciting the Guides’ promise)-
Contingent Commander (from Guides)
1)    Guides sedia
2)    Akan beri Ta’At sedia (timing: one check one)
3)    Guides sedia (cut down from promise taking position) (timing: one check one)
4)    Guides senang diri (stand at ease)

-Scouts’ speech (…. I will now lead the Scouts in saying the Scouts’ promise)-
Contingent Commander (from Scouts)
1)    Troop sedia
2)    Ta’At sedia sedia (timing: check up)
3)    Troop sedia (cut down from promise taking position) (timing: check down)
4)    Troop senang diri (stand at ease) (timing: check)

-End of announcements/prize presentations-
Parade Commander:
1)    Baris sedia (timing: check)
2)    Keluar baris (All involved in the parade are not allowed to move off)


-Xin Ning

SG50 Jamboree

Hello Scouts,

This is the last call for SG50 Jamboree. More forms will be given out this Friday (13th Feb)  for those who are interested, but didn't manage to get hold of one. All forms are to be filled in and handed up on next Tuesday, 17th Feb 2015. Our attendance for this event contributes to our points which will determine the prestige of the Frank Cooper Sands Award. Here are the details regarding the Jamboree:

Date: 17 - 22 November. Participants must arrive on the morning of 17 Nov and leave only on noon of 22 November

Venue: Sarimbun Scout Camp
Jamboree Fees:
$200 (Local Participants aged 11 - 17 years old)
$100 (Rovers and Leaders aged 18 and above)
These fees covers meals, on site activities, educational visits to places of interest and souvenirs. *Fees are before subsidy
Eligibility: Scouts ages 11 - 17 years old.
Programme Highlights
  • Cultural and Community Activities
  • Concern for our Environment
  • Messenger of Peace
  • Amazing Singapore Trail
  • Aviation Activities
  • Maritime Activities
  • Adventurous Activities
  • Technology-based Activities
  • Values in Action/"A Good Deed A Day"
You will get a chance to meet scouts from all over the world.


-Xin Ning

Monday, 9 February 2015

10th Feb CCA Schedule

Y1s, please be reminded to bring your three items (notebook/exercise book, pen, fully filled water bottle) and wear your PE attire. Please also be at the grandstand at 3.15pm sharp and fall in according to your patrols. Thank you and see you guys tmr! 


Thursday, 5 February 2015

6th Feb CCA Schedule

Hi Scouts,

The following image is the CCA Schedule tomorrow. As you can see, there will be pioneering tomorrow and the structures you all are building are the respective structures you have submitted as a level so please familiarise yourself with the design.

Thank you.
