Thursday, 30 October 2014

31 October CCA Session

Hello Scouts,

Fall in at 9am SHARP tomorrow at the grandstand in PT kit and your three items. The following is the schedule for tomorrow. Please also note that you will be dismissed at 12pm not 12am, there was a typo. 


West Area Camp and Tengah Airbase

Hi Scouts,

These are the details for the West Area Camp

And these are the details for the visit to Tengah Airbase

If you are interested, please inform your PLs by 2359 today (30 Oct).


-Xin Ning

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Holiday CCA Sessions

Hello Scouts,
Some of you who did not come for cca today may not have recieved the parents letter regarding the holidays cca session so here it is:
Please show this to your parents to inform them on the upcoming cca sessions during the holidays. Thank you


Upcoming pioneering test

Hey Scouts,
If you do not know, there will be an upcoming pioneering test for all levels conducted by the ASLs. For the Year 1s, you will be tested on knots & lashings (so it is advised that you learn about the uses and the way to tie the knots/lashings that can be found in scout green booklet). The Year 2s and 3s will be divided into two groups per level to build a watchtower whereby the time limit is 1h 15min and 1h 10min respectively. As for the actual test day, we are not sure yet but it's always better to be prepared :D
Here are some tips to building the watchtower within time limit. Credits to your secretary, Su Jun :)
Today, I have also realised that the Year 1s and some Year 2/3s are still uncertain about the timber hitch which is the starting knot for diagonal lashing. Please make sure that you know how to tie it because diagonal lashing is frequently used.
Thank you and rest well before the next cca session :)

Sunday, 26 October 2014

28 October CCA Plan

Hello Scouts,
As you guys must have been told about it that we will have cca sessions on tuesdays and fridays until open house ends on the 22 November. 
The following will be tuesday's plan:
Please fall in at 0900 SHARP in PT kit and bring along your three items. 
Those that are unable to make it please hand up relevant letters or mc the following session. Thank you.
Consent forms for holiday cca sessions will be given out on tuesday, sorry for the delay.
Please also be reminded to submit a 200 word reflection of the courses.


Thursday, 23 October 2014


Hello Scouts,
Please fall in at 1.15pm sharp at the school porch in pe shirt and shorts both courses tomorrow. Rock climbing people may choose to wear track pants tomorrow. Thank you


Tuesday, 21 October 2014

23/10/14 courses

Hi all,

For archery course this Thursday, since year 2 subject combi talk ends at 2.15pm, year 2s and 3s meet at the porch by 2.30pm sharp.

As for year ones and threes attending rock climbing, reach the porch by 1.15pm.

Please be punctual and change to the appropriate attire (scouts tee and pe shorts) . Thank you.

- Su Jun

Monday, 20 October 2014

No CCA on 21/10/14

Hi scouts,

There will not be CCA on 21/10/14, Tuesday. Though the form states 21&24 October for archery, kindly note that the dates have been changed to this Thursday (23 Oct) and Friday (24 Oct). Hope you all have enjoyed the courses so far. Have a good rest :)

- Su Jun

Sunday, 19 October 2014


Hello Scouts,
For those going for the courses tomorrow please fall in at 2.30pm at the porch in CCA tee and PE shorts with all your belongings. Please bring along your  signed consent forms, a notebook and pen and water bottle. Thank you.

Y3s, please come ASAP after ICAS ends. No one should be later than 2.40pm. Please change before falling in.

Sorry for the late notice as there has been last minute changes to the schedule. Thank you.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Hike details

Dear all,

I am just adding on to Sandy's post to clarify certain doubts regarding tomorrow's hike.
Firstly, junk food isn't allowed on hikes. This has been an enforced rule since long ago and is applicable to every hike you attend. I trust that you should know the reason as to why we enforce such a rule.
Secondly, bringing slippers is optional, although I rather encourage you to do so. You may meet certain unfortunate circumstances which may call for the use of them during the hike.
Tomorrow's attire is CCA tee and PE shorts, so please do not come in PE shirt.
The 1 litre of water is definitely not optional and its for your own good, to stay hydrated.

Please waterproof all valuables and important items tomorrow. As they might get wet if there's wet weather tomorrow.

That's all, have fun on the hike tomorrow guys! :)



Hello Scouts,
Please fall in at 1pm at the porch tomorrow after your post EOY Activities in PT kit with your belongings. Do pack according to the packing list and inform your respective patrol leaders if you are going to leave at Marymount MRT or if you have any medical conditions and MC.
You guys may also want to bring along slippers or sandals to change into after the hike if your shoes do get wet but there will be no changing of shoes during the hike itself due to safety reasons. Please also waterproof all your belongings in ziplocs in case of wet weather. Do pack lightly and enjoy yourself in the hike. :)

Y3s, if your post EOY activity overruns after 1pm, just fall in ASAP. There will be time allocated for you all to buy some lunch if needed. Y1s and 2s, please have your lunch before falling in.

Thank you. :)


National Exploration Challenge

Hi Scouts,

I believe that your PLs have informed you about the National Exploration Challenge. The following is some details about this event. We hope that at least 2 members can volunteer for each patrol and in total, there should be at least a scout from each level. It's highly recommended for the Year 2s to volunteer because it will serve as a meaningful experience.

Thank you and we look forward to your active participation.


Monday, 13 October 2014

Post EOY Activities

Hello troop,
There will be post end of year activities specially organised for you guys. Proficiency badges can be earned through these activities

Rock Climbing for Y1s
21 and 24 October at Snow City. There is a rock wall there.

Archery for Y2s
20, 21 and 24 October at Zhenghua CC. 

Year threes can choose any one of the two.
Please actively participate in them as they are specially planned and they are gonna be fun. Do indicate your interest to your respective patrol leaders by Tuesday, 14 October 2014. Thank you


Sunday, 12 October 2014

14 October CCA Plan

Hi Scouts,

This is the plan for Tuesday's CCA session.

Fall in in PT Kit and bring your three items.
Y3 bio students fall in by 3.45pm. The rest fall in by 3.15pm sharp. 

Please tell your PLs/APLs if you will be late or absent for valid reasons. It is an official CCA session.

We are having a sports day on Tuesday. Yang Hui and Stan will be the ICs for this event. The game masters are Clarissa, Charmaine, Qian Hui and Zhen Ling. Have fun!

-Xin Ning
Updated by Sandy

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Start of CCA

Hello Scouts,

In case you don't already know, CCA resumes on 14 October 2014.
The combined UG Sports Carnival will be postponed to next year, targeted at the current batch of year 1s. Year 2s, don't worry, you will have CUGA and UG hike next year.

-Xin Ning